Order Process

We need as much info as possible when placing an order.

Send us a message via Whatsapp / Facebook / Email / Online enquiry.

Please send details such as:
quantity, sizes, male or female cut, colour of item and print, design/theme, collection/delivery/courier and any other information that may be relevant.

We will then work on your design and send through to you for approval, via WhatsApp or email.
Once approved, we require payment.
Once we have received payment, we will complete your order and send out to you using one of our three methods.

We offer three collection options:
1. Collect directly from us in Hilton, Pietermaritzburg, KZN.
2. Delivery to Touchwood Interiors, Parklane Centre (PMB)
3. We use Aramex Courier (additional R100 per A3 flyer) Flyers are 35cm x 45cm.
If your order requires more than one flyer, we will charge for additional flyer accordingly. 

Please note orders take 7-14 working days to complete, normally sooner rather than later.